悠久城風の間 blog語り部のささやき

悠久城風の間の語り部 楯よう子のささやき


The Story of a Celestial Mother, Kakka

Let calm and peaceful days continue. I wonder if that is what you wish for because you feel uneasy and many of your days are filled with strife or misfortunes. It would be troublesome if my peaceful days were suddenly taken away. Actually,…


新潟のむかし話2000年「ホトトギスと兄弟」の伝えるところによると・・・・ 風邪をひいて寝込んでしまった兄を心配した弟。早く元気になってもらおうと、自然薯を採ってきてすりおろしては、兄に食べさせていた。弟は自然薯のやわらかいい、いいところをと…

The Story of Miiko, the Cat Shrine Maiden

Cats’ eyes are mysterious. What do cats see with their sparkling eyes? I wonder what they are thinking about? Just when you think your cat is going to quietly climb onto your lap, it suddenly decides to just go outside. Cats are quite whim…


新潟(にいがた)のむかし話(ばなし)2000年(ねん)の伝(つた)えるところの「団子(だんご)ころころ」では、 正直(しょうじき)じさが、山(やま)にかせぎに行(い)って、ばさの作(つく)ってくれた団子(だんご)を食(た)べ始(はじ)めたら、団子(だんご)は、ころこ…

The Story of Dondoko, Kannari Taro

What will thunder and lightning bring down to the land? Rich harvests? The sprouting of new life? Genetic mutations? Or, are the thunder and lightning supposed to make us realize the dreadful fury of the heavens? The people who read “Thund…

The Story of Donwan, the Goblin, Whose Nose Became Longer

Life is troublesome. I wish I could simply sit in my nest and observe other people’s festivals, their dances, and their game of life. I was wondering if goblins, who are not really gods, and maybe, just maybe, you as well, felt this way. T…

The Story of the Blue Honeybee, Buzz-Buzz

A Pastiche of Niigata’s Folk Tales The Story of the Blue Honeybee, Buzz-Buzz What kind of dream did you have last night? In my dream, I was a butterfly in a flower garden. But I couldn’t be a butterfly any longer when my alarm clock woke m…


冬になったら、また、毎日、雪堀り。 今年は大雪になるのかしら?いきなりの大雪は困るわ。 年をとったら、雪の降らない、もっとあったかいところで暮らしたくない? あなたはどう思う? 新潟のむかし話「鳥のみじさま」を読んだ人々は、みな、口々に言うの…

The Story of Mujina* Nupperan, Who Wished for an Attractive Face

A Pastiche of Niigata’s Folk Tales The Story of Mujina* Nupperan, Who Wished for an Attractive Face ~ The Tragic Love Story of Mujina Nupperan ~ (*A mujina is a legendary creature resembling a badger or raccoon.) “Do people generally admir…